How Many Inches Does Hair Grow in a Year

How Many Inches Does Hair Grow in a Year

If you ask Google “how quickly does hair grow?” you’ll get back a plethora of results with claims like “how to grow hair faster” and “how to grow long hair in 5 easy steps.” Intriguing?

Sure. However, here’s the rub: Inevitably, your hair will develop at a certain pace (at least, not with haircare products).

We understand that this may come as disappointing news if you were hoping to learn how to grow your hair longer by the next season. While you have little control over the rate at which your hair grows, you can take steps to protect it from damage and avoid breaking so that it looks longer than it actually is.

How Many Inches Does Hair Grow in a Year

How Fast Does Hair Grow?

Let’s get to the point quickly: Half an inch per month, or six inches per year, is the average rate of hair growth.

One follicle is responsible for the growth of one hair on your head. The bulb of the follicle is where new hair begins to form.

A sebaceous gland, located further up the follicle (in the direction of the skin), secretes oil to moisturise the hair.

The hair growth cycle consists of three main stages. To start, there’s the anagen phase, when follicles begin to aggressively push out new hair.

The subsequent catagen phase is characterised by a period of dormancy and regressiveness.

Last but not least, there’s the telogen phase, also called the resting phase. This final phase can take anywhere from a year to two years on the scalp.

The hair is still alive as long as it is still inside the follicle, but it dies as soon as it breaks the skin.

Though dead keratin cells make up the bulk of your hair, the hair shaft also includes other important elements like water and lipids that contribute to your hair’s overall health and look.

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Average Hair Growth of Asian Female

In this study, Asian women reported an average hair growth rate of about 6 inches per year.

The average annual hair growth rate of the African-American female participants was 4 inches (10 cm), while that of the Caucasian female participants was slightly over 5 inches (13 cm).

Researchers discovered no significant difference between the hair growth rates of the men and women participants.

Hormonal changes, greater exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and seasonal dietary changes (in which people eat more fruits and vegetables).

They are also suspected as possible causes of the seasonal acceleration of hair growth observed in summer.

A trichologist (a dermatologist who specialises in the hair and scalp) at New York’s Philip Kingsley Clinic, Elizabeth Cunnane-Phillips, told the Huffington Post that seasonal hair growth would be so slight as to be undetectable.

Hair Loss and the Hair Growth Cycle

When the hair growth cycle is disrupted, hair loss can occur. In the case of telogen effluvium (TE), for instance, telogen, or “resting,” hairs are shed. Stress, poor nutrition, toxic exposure, pharmaceutical drugs, disease, and even overtraining can all play a role.

In general, TE can be triggered by any kind of trauma to the body. Hair does grow back, thankfully (Al Aboud, 2021).

Pattern hair loss, however, is extremely frequent and accounts for the vast majority of cases. These tend to run in families and have hormonal roots.

Both men and women experience thinning hair due to androgenic alopecia, often known as male pattern baldness (female pattern hair loss).

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Most cases of pattern baldness do not spontaneously restore hair growth. Preventing hair loss is preferable to trying to grow it back, according to the available research (Al Aboud, 2021).

If you keep track of your hair growth for a year, you can see if there are any changes to your hairline. Now is also a great time to experiment with techniques for maintaining healthy hair and promoting new growth.