Is Pepper Spray Legal In New Jersey

Is Pepper Spray Legal In New Jersey

Potential assailants are rendered immobile by the use of pepper spray and mace. To cause significant irritation, both of these chemical compounds are released as a spray or vapour.

The side effects might range from mild to severe and even painful, depending on the product you use. When it comes to carrying mace or pepper spray, there are various rules in place in New Jersey.

Is Pepper Spray Legal In New Jersey

New Jersey Does Not Place Many Limits

In general, New Jersey does not place many limits on the use of pepper spray or mace. As long as you’re over the age of 18 and don’t have a criminal record, you can lawfully possess these firearms.

Criminal charges may be brought against those who do not adhere by certain rules. The use of mace or pepper spray may also be viewed as a dangerous weapon in criminal proceedings.

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Carried Legally In New Jersey Under Certain Circumstances.

NJS 2C:39-5 is the main statute in New Jersey that prohibits the possession of firearms. All weapons, including pepper spray, are subject to N.J.S. 2C:39-5, which governs all weapons.

Pepper spray, on the other hand, falls under a different set of rules. Pepper spray (oleoresin capsicum) and related devices may be carried legally in New Jersey under certain circumstances. N.J.S. 2C:39-6i has those exclusions (1).

An exhaustive set of circumstances and requirements can be found in NJS 2C:39-6i(1). The prohibitions of N.J.S. 2C:39-5 do not apply if certain circumstances and requirements are met. To exempt compliance with N.J.S. 2C:39-5, all of N.J.S. 2C:39-6i(1conditions )’s must be met.

The individual carrying the pepper spray may be charged with a disorderly persons offence in New Jersey if any of these conditions are not met. If convicted, a person would be subject to a $100.00 fine.

Characteristics Must Meet Particular Requirements.

Pepper spray is legal to buy and own in New Jersey. The purchaser must be at least 18 years old and free of any felony convictions, according to the legislation. To be considered pepper spray, the composition and spray characteristics must meet particular requirements.

Purchases must also be done in person, not via the internet or other mailing services, according to the law. Mace and pepper spray from other states are also banned in New Jersey because the state’s requirements are strict and they are unlikely to match the guidelines set forth in the legislation, both of which will land you in hot water.

However, the size of the bottle is a slight exception to this rule. Only those who can demonstrate a genuine need for the extra fluid are exempt from this rule, with the exception of law enforcement agents. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Self-defense enthusiasts in New Jersey face a difficult time in the Garden State, and that includes individuals who want to use self-defense sprays.

As long as you’re carrying a container with a 3/4 oz. capacity, you’re legally allowed to carry whatever kind of formulation that you prefer or have access to.