How To Fix ‘Steam Screenshot Folder’

Steam Screenshot Folder

For the purposes of bragging rights, demonstrating something interesting, bug reporting, or simply preserving a gaming memory, gamers frequently capture screenshots (either singular or in a sequence) while playing.

Steam is a popular gaming platform because it allows players to easily snap screenshots during gameplay with the press of a hotkey (the default for Windows is F12 or Fn + F12, and the default for Mac is F5), followed by a pop-up message indicating that the screenshot was successfully saved.

Steam Screenshot Folder

The Steam Client’s Screenshot Manager

Using the Screenshot Manager within Steam is the quickest way to get to the Steam Screenshots folder.

  1. Begin by opening the Steam client and clicking the View menu to expand it.
  2. Then, go to Screenshots and use the Display option to choose the game whose screenshot you wish to view.
  3. Click the Show on Disk button after selecting a screenshot in the screenshots section.
  4. When you click this, the system’s file manager (similar to Windows’s File Explorer) will open to the game’s image folder. It’s important to remember that the screenshots all live in the same root directory, but the games all have their own unique subdirectories.
  5. You should make a shortcut to the folder where your screenshots are stored now that you know its location.

The user can choose the snapshot in the Screenshots Manager and then go to the Online Library tab to see the screenshot online.

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Access the Operating System’s File Management

It’s not always convenient to fire up the Steam client and wade through the update processes only to look for a screenshot.

Using the operating system’s file manager to locate the desired folder in this situation is not without its challenges (although the OS’s picture search functionality is always available).

In Windows Only

In the event that just one Steam account is ever used with the Steam client

Finding the Steam Screenshots folder is easier if only one Steam account is in use.

  1. Click the Steam icon on your Windows desktop or in the Start menu, then pick Open File Location from the context menu. If you click this, you’ll be taken to the installation folder, which often contains:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam

  1. You should now double-click the userdata folder and then access the folder whose name contains digits; these numbers are the user’s Steam ID. In the instance of a solitary Steam account being utilised with the Steam client, there will be a solitary Steam account folder. Other directories with numbers may exist if more than one Steam account is being utilised with the Steam client. In that situation, the user can either utilise the Steam ID approach described above to see the user’s screenshots, or they can open the folder containing the numbers sequentially (as discussed later).
  2. Double-click the folder labelled “760” inside the numbered folder you just opened, and then navigate to the Remote directory.
  3. Several folders of varying numbers can now be displayed (if a lot of games are installed on Steam). The game’s AppIDs on Steam can be found here. Each Steam game has its own unique AppID, which may be used to either directly access the game’s files or to go through all of Steam’s directories one by one.
  4. To view the game’s screenshots, open the main game folder and then double-click the ScreenShots folder within it. This is an example of a possible entire screenshots path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<SteamID>\760\remote\<AppIDofGame>\screenshots

If you have multiple Steam accounts, you need to find the Steam ID.

Step 2 of the following procedure can be confusing if many Steam accounts are utilised in the Steam client. The best course of action here would be to track down the Steam ID associated with a given account.

  1. Begin by opening the Steam client and clicking the View menu to expand it.
  2. Choose the Settings menu item, and then in the resulting window, navigate to the Interface tab.
  3. If you want the Steam URL address to be shown, you can do so in the right pane; after doing so, click the OK button to save your changes.
  4. Choose See My Profile by clicking on your username in the top right corner of the Steam interface.
  5. The user’s Steam ID can be found in the final digits of the URL displayed at the top of the page. A user’s Steam ID can be verified on the Steam website.
  6. Next, double-click the userdata folder in Steam’s installation directory to access your Steam ID’s data.
  7. Then, double-click the Remote.exe file inside the 760 folder.
  8. After locating the game’s folder (see Method 4, above), you can open the Screenshots folder by double-clicking on it.
  9. In that case, if you anticipate needing quick access to the Screenshots folder, you can create a shortcut to it.

Mac Users Only

Here is where Steam will be installed by default on your Mac:

Users/{MacUserName}/Library/Application Support/Steam

A user can now utilise the previously described procedure to locate the desired game screenshots. If the default Steam installation location isn’t working, you may change it by right-clicking Steam, choosing “Get Details,” and then looking at the “Where” tab.

Those Who Use Linux

If you’re using a Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Steam will most likely be installed in this folder by default:


The game’s AppID can then be used to access the user’s screenshots (as discussed earlier).

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Organize Your in-Game Screenshots with the Help of the Corresponding Tab.

The In-Game tab of the Steam client can be used to create a specialised folder for screenshots, which can then be uploaded to a cloud service or shared locally.

  1. To enlarge View, start up the Steam client.
  2. Choose the Settings menu now, and navigate to the In-Game section of the window’s left sidebar.
  3. Finally, choose the destination folder for your screenshots by clicking Screenshot Folder (located under Screenshot Shortcut Keys) in the right pane.

You should know that the screenshots will be saved in two places: the default Steam directory (as JPGs), and the location you specify (in PNG format, uncompressed version is preferred).

If a user wants to restrict Steam’s remote access to a single folder, he can do so by erasing the Remote folder from the Steam installation directory at the following path:

C:\ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ userdata \AccountID\760

Then, on the elevated Command Prompt, run the following (replacing the SteamID> with the actual number).

mklink /D “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<SteamD>\760\remote” “D:\newfolder”