A Married Couple Living in Separate Nyc Apartments

A Married Couple Living in Separate Nyc Apartments

According to a New York-based divorcee, her marriage and career both flourished after she and her spouse moved in separately.

She told Insider that she and her husband, Adnan Akhand, got married when they were both in their twenties but rapidly fell into a rut. The couple has been apart since October and will remain so for at least three years.

A Married Couple Living in Separate Nyc Apartments

A Woman Whose TikTok Video About Splitting Up From Her Husband in New York Went Viral Said that the Split had been Healthy for Their Marriage.

Sana Akhand’s video, published on January 29, and seen more than a million times as of this writing, begins, “We lived together for 6.5 years before deciding to set our own rules and do what works best for us & our love story.”

According to Insider, Sana married Adnan when she was in her twenties, nearly seven years ago. It took a year and three months from the time we had our first kiss till we tied the knot, Sana, who is from South Asia, said. “After graduation, marriage is the expected next step in our culture.”

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She claimed at the time that she valued her relationship too highly to risk putting it on hold while she pursued her career. When Sana and Adnan got married, they looked at each other and said, “How much can life change?”

Sana, now 32 years old, explained that they first intended to be anything besides a traditional husband and wife.

“To put it plainly, he was under a lot of financial stress. I was also like, “Since I’m not chipping in equally financially, I’ll take on more of the housewife’s responsibilities.” “as she put it.

When Sana and Adnan Akhand Were Getting Married.

But soon they realised they were falling into traditional husband and wife roles that neither of them wanted, Sana, 32, said.

He was struggling financially. When it comes to finances, “I’m not contributing equally, so let me step into the wife duties of taking care of the house,” she said.

We used to spend less and less time with our friends and on our hobbies as the years went on. Sana, the founder of the Jet Black Social Club and host of the “Make Your Own Rules” podcast, stated that she worked in corporate America to better support her family in New York City.

They have moved 15 minutes apart, keep their money fully separate, spend a few nights a week together for romantic date nights and sleepovers, and are each concentrating on their own professional development.

“We’re so eager to see one other after a long day of work,” she remarked. It used to be, “I had a rough day, leave me alone,” she said.“

Jealousy can arise in a relationship when one or both partners feel ignored or concerned about their partner’s whereabouts and activities.

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Last Words

It’s also possible that you’ll drift away over time and find someone to adore who resides closer to home.

“Make sure neither of you is agreeing only to please the other, and be honest about why you want to live apart. They say, “You need to ask yourself if your love is strong enough to last if the two of you have to go your own ways and maintain two separate households.”