Why Did Karen Leave Second Chance Retreat

Why Did Karen Leave Second Chance Retreat

Those who watched My Mom, Your Dad on HBO Max were taken aback when Karen Larrea departed the show suddenly after she began dating Troy Petrick.

She finally came clean about her exposure to someone with COVID on site: “I was exposed to someone who had COVID on the set.”

“To put it simply, I was extracted. However, I was taken out of there very quickly. I was heartbroken. I was completely unprepared. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get back in.”

Why Did Karen Leave Second Chance Retreat

Petrick’s Response

According to Larrea’s memory, “I said, ‘I need to see Troy,’ and they were like, ‘No.'” “But before that, we had already spent a considerable amount of time together. I was inconsolable.

It was a genuine relationship, and I didn’t want to lose it that way. That they did this to me destroyed my heart at the moment.”

Petrick’s response was essentially the same. Despite his pleading with the show’s producers, he was eventually forced to accept that the bad news meant his time on the show would soon be over.

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What Petrick experienced “was devastating,” he says. “It was clear from the data that she was fine. The ending came out of nowhere. I felt like I had no choice but to remain there.

When she finally departed, that’s exactly what occurred to me. At that moment, I thought, “Oh my gosh… I’m good. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why you people still want me around.

For this reason, I asked to leave the show early, and the creators complied. That’s the path I choose to take.” Breanna, Karen’s kid, and Noah, Troy’s son, had not done particularly well setting up their respective parents.

Noah insisted that Troy broaden his dating horizons by going on more dates, but the Kids’ Bunker only set up Karen on dates with Scott and Phillip Sr. Lovebirds drifted back to each other and even slept together.

Karen and Breanna’s time together was cut short when they were ushered away by a producer. After spending some more time at the Second Chance Retreat and engaging in a meditative exercise with a shaman, Troy decided there was no use in his further attendance.

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Last Words

Karen Larrea said after that meeting that quitting My Mom, Your Dad was difficult for her, but that she felt she had no other option. Through sharing private details in her confession and farewell letter to Troy.

She continued by saying it was a trying time for her and her loved ones. Furthermore, Karen Larrea has yet to explain why she quit so quickly and abruptly, not even in her usual Instagram replies to fans. Filming was completed months ago.