Tulsi Gabbard Calls Kamala Harris Russia Marks Embarrassing …

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Kamala Harris Russia Marks Embarrassing ...

Tulsi Gabbard, a former member of Congress for Hawaii’s Democratic party, blasted the Biden administration on Monday’s “Hannity,” highlighting Kamala Harris’ “embarrassing” comments about Russia and claiming that Vice President Biden lacks the temperament to represent the United States abroad.

She Lacks The Temperament.

SIR TULSI GABBARD: What a humiliating situation. It’s confusing trying to make sense of all those jumbled words. Political expediency alone explains why the United States sent Kamala Harris to represent it. She is completely unqualified to discuss or even comprehend foreign policy.

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Kamala Harris Russia Marks Embarrassing ...

She lacks the temperament to be the United States’ spokesperson abroad and is oblivious to the price of war. This whole situation is embarrassing. In her speech, she mentioned sanctions and other forms of deterrence.

If you want to prevent someone from doing something, the best way to do it is to penalise them for it. The process is straightforward. That’s elementary school level comprehension right there.

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Both Senator Harris and Vice President Biden Have Warned Of A Price Tag.

Is it not reasonable to assume that a child would respond to a threat of punishment by saying, “Fine, I might as well do it anyhow.” It’s not like we’re talking about breaking the bank here.

Both Senator Harris and Vice President Biden have warned of a price tag. This is because they refuse to shoulder the cost. They’re worth a lot of money. Nobody in positions of authority will be hurt.

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If something goes wrong, who will have to pay the consequences? The price has already been paid by hardworking Americans across the country and by people around the world, and it will only increase from here on out.