The Woman Was Too Stunned To Speak

The Woman Was Too Stunned To Speak

Some folks are “too astonished to speak” after hearing the latest popular TikTok sound. A Singaporean TV show clip from the 1990s has inspired a viral meme in which netizens recall instances when they were rendered speechless by real life.

The trend has covered topics as diverse as embarrassing events, unexpected family discoveries, and uncomfortable confrontations. This is where it all began on TikTok.

The Woman Was Too Stunned To Speak

The viral video was originally broadcast in Singapore on Crimewatch in 1998. The story of a woman having her necklace stolen while out in public is acted out in this episode.

After the robbery, the scene was set with melodramatic music and acting because “the woman was too astonished to talk,” per the voiceover.

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And What is the Actual Pattern Here?

TikTokers have appropriated the footage to talk about times when they were “too surprised to speak.”

Anyone may make a video of themselves responding to anything from a love crisis to a bad meal, and then label it “stunned.”

The Origins of the Trend are a Mystery.

On November 1, TikTok user Dominikxcx discovered the original clip and uploaded it, showing the woman in a variety of camera angles while she seemed both well and stunned.

The original show that this clip came from has been airing since 1986, but it wasn’t until 1998 that the audience really took notice, which in turn sparked a slew of parody videos.

If you Know the Source, Please Tell Me!

The National Crime Prevention Council of Singapore is responsible for the show Crimewatch, which features reenactments of crimes investigated by Singaporean police.

A man with sunglasses takes a woman’s jewellery as she walks along the street in a 1998 episode. As she frantically searches for her jewels, a threatening organ chord suddenly bursts in. A voiceover narrates, “The woman was too astonished to speak.”

The Editing Decisions Made During the Robbery are Highly Detailed.

In the complete video, she urges a man on a bicycle to pursue the crooks, but he instead rides to the police station and maintains his “cool.”

According to Crimewatch Wikipedia, the police found the robbers just 18 minutes after the heist. In the same 1998 episode, another crime involves “a scheme involving the cloning and selling of credit cards.”

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Turn Up the Volume

The show continues to air to this day, and in December, a clip from an episode of Crimewatch from 2013 went viral.

One of the gang members in the video refers to the woman as a “prostitute” in reference to her sexual activities. In December, the actresses who participate in the episode watched the TikTok reaction video together. The name of the speechless woman has not been released.

This was followed by “The woman was too astonished to talk,” which was picked up by other accounts and spread across Twitter.